第 3 名:Third Prize:
投標廠商:Foster + Partners Limited 國籍:英國
共同投標廠商:劉培森建築師事務所 國籍:中華民國
亞新工程顧問股份有限公司 國籍:中華民國
Tenderer: Foster + Partners Limited Nationality: United Kingdom
Joint Tenderer: Ricky Liu & Associates Architects+Planners Nationality:Taiwan (R.O.C.)
MAA Group Consulting Engineers Nationality:Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Design Concepts
象徵 – 台灣文化
台 灣豐富的歷史、文化和獨特的氣候條件全面影響第三航廈和航空城的設計。有中央山脈令人讚嘆的起伏稜線作為背景,台灣藍鵲展翅翱翔的英姿,連同台灣傳統建築 的美麗形式,皆深刻地啟發我們將之轉化為獨具特性和指標性的飛翼頂,成為台灣國門具鑑別性的符號和標誌。富饒的台灣景色乘載著雄偉的中央山脈,和多樣性動 植物分佈的特性都呈現在我們的設計概念中。蔥鬱的中央綠廊植滿了台灣原生植栽,展示本土植物的豐富多樣,沿著航廈中軸帶領旅客直覺性的通過報到櫃檯、安 檢、海關和出境。這項規劃也同時創造獨特、寧靜而舒適的空間,繁盛的植披在冷硬的航站內裝環境中對比出親切迎賓的氛圍,減少因飛行而產的焦慮感和身心壓 力,幫助旅客及訪客置身更為自然親切的環境。樹種的選擇涵蓋全台各地,教導訪客認知優美的本土植物景觀。佔地超過30,000平方公尺的中央綠廊,將使新 航站一躍成為全球最富綠意及個性的機場。
Symbolism – Taiwan Culture
Taiwan’s rich history and culture, and unique climatic conditions have all influenced the design of the terminal and the airport city. The awe inspiring and undulating backdrop of the Zhongyang Mountains, the majestic flight of the Taiwanese magpie together with traditional Taiwanese architectural forms all have inspired us for the iconic and distinctive sweeping wing roof form that will become a recognisable symbol and icon for the international gateway of Taiwan. The rich landscape of Taiwan with its magnificent central mountain range, diverse flora and fauna are celebrated in our concept design. A lush green garden spine is incorporated throughout with abundant indigenous plant species showcasing the variety of Taiwanese plantlife. This garden spine, arranged along the central axis intuitively guides passengers through check-in, security, immigration and departures. It also creates unique, calm and relaxing spaces, the lush vegetation providing a welcome contrast to the harder finishes in the terminal. This reduces anxiety and stress normally associated with air travel, allowing passengers and visitors to connect with more natural and familiar surroundings. The choice of planting will represent the various places throughout Taiwan, informing and educating visitors the beautiful range of the indigenous landscape. The green garden spine will cover over 30,000sqm making it the greenest and the most exceptional airport in the world.
Team Profile
Foster + Partners Limited
Foster + Partners 的作品包含許多世界知名的重要機場航廈。兩個最知名的作品分別為: 香港赤鱲角國際機場,在短短六年內於填海造地上完建,以及北京國際機場, 目前世上最大的建築物,從建築到完工僅費時四年。除此之外,現正處於建工中的項目包含科威特的LEED Gold 機場,墨西哥的LEED Platinum 機場和巴拿馬的新托庫門機場。我們深信我們的團隊能為此具有前所未有挑戰性的項目帶來迅速完工所需的保證, 並與顧客一同打造出最具代表性的高效能建設, 打破最快設計到完工紀錄.
Foster + Partners portfolio features some of the most important terminals worldwide, such as the Chek Lap Kok Hong Kong International Airport, which was built in six years on land gained to the sea; Beijing International Airport, considered the world’s largest building at the time and designed and built in 4 years, to mention two of the most outstanding; Additionally, we are currently building first LEED Gold and LEED Platinum airports in Kuwait and Mexico respectively, as well as the new Tocumen International airport in Panama. We strongly believe that our team gives the guarantees necessary to comply in a timely manner with the challenging requirement of the project like no other and together with the client body will build the most emblematic and efficient infrastructure designed and built in record time.
Ricky Liu Associates was established in 1991 by a team of professional architects. We are enthusiastic and possess a unique visionthat combines professionalism with innovation in spatial and environmental design. We consider it is the greatest honor to be able to improve the quality of our living environment by completing outstanding architectural work through the cooperative efforts of our diversified expertise.
MAA Group(R.O.C.)
Founded in 1975, MAA is a leading Asian engineering and consulting service provider in the East and Southeast Asian region focused in the areas of infrastructure, environment, buildings, land resources, and information technology.