第 2 名:Second Prize:
投標廠商:九典聯合建築師事務所 國籍:中華民國
共同投標廠商:Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio B.V. 國籍:荷蘭
April Yang Design Studio Limited 國籍:美國
台聯工程顧問股份有限公司 國籍:中華民國
Tenderer: Bio-Architecture Formosana Nationality: Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Joint Tenderer: Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio B.V. Nationality: Netherlands
April Yang Design Studio Limited Nationality: U.S.A.
Taiwan Engineering Consultants Group Nationality: Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Design Concepts
桃 園機場的新第3航廈未來將成為桃園航空城的入口大門。即將陸續完工的交通建設及連接大台北地區的機場捷運線,新的第3航廈未來將會帶動周邊地區新的發展。 我們藉由縮短第3航廈及第2航廈之間的距離的手法 來突顯本提案以桃園機場為運營中心的思維及優勢。桃園機場第3航廈的正立面將是桃園機場視覺上最突出的亮點。當旅客由第3航廈的進場動線望去,曲面的屋頂 平穩的向上提升,開放的手法引導進場車輛至路旁的各個入口。高穿透性的玻璃幕強化流線型的內外建築公共空間的連接;入口雨遮延伸涵蓋進場道路,並提供遮風 避雨的上下車入口空間。旅程的起始點將從感受新T3航廈建築開始。
Place making at urban scale
The new Terminal 3 for Taoyuan airport is the new gateway for the Aerotropolis. With strong connections to Taipei through the MRT and vehicular traffic, the new Terminal 3 fosters strong connections to the new development area. Creating a closer proximity of terminal 3 to terminal 2 gives significant advantages when considering the terminals of Taoyuan airport as an operational 「hub」 rather than segregated terminals. The main entrance of terminal 3 will become the most visually prominent facade for the Taoyuan airport. As one arrives to T3, the roof transitions in a smoothly up-lifting opening up gesture designed to guide people at the curb side to the various entrances. This welcoming gesture is reinforced by the high level of transparency of the glass facades, enhancing the fluid connection between public spaces inside and out. Externally, the canopy reaches over the roadways to provide protection. The experience of the journey starts outside the terminal building!
我們希望打造一座對應自然環境限制的航廈建築,並在室內提供各種微氣候分區,利用 建築外殼與內殼的搭配,以直觀的空間方向指引原則作為內部空間規劃的 策略,創造極富動態的高性能空間。本提案的建築的設計是高度協調的: 得益於其清晰的組織,帶給乘客高效率、便利與舒適兼備的體驗。航廈建築的特色為短步行距離,動線減少垂直轉換 以及透過利用自然光源和細緻的空間規劃創造直觀的動線系統。在大的尺度上,建築結構自身形成引導的原素 – 顯著的垂直結構連接捷運與入境和離境區樓層,同時藉由該區大型挑空空間創造入境和離境區樓層間視覺上的連結。這些空間與建築的體驗是受益於一個合理,有效 的結構模矩(9米×9米)並且藉由不同模矩間的差異與其他較大的區域作更進一步區隔。除此之外,我們提議採用預鑄構件於現場組裝,有效利用建築材料和建築 荷重,這些都有會助於整體設計策略的實現。
Place making at building scale
In Terminal 3 we are building an environment: to create an architecture that is responsive to all environmental constraints, creating localised micro-climatic zones internally, and an outer and inner shell that work in concert with one another to ensure the optimum performance of all spaces. The building design is of integral nature. It benefits from a clear organization that provides passengers with high efficiency, while satisfying the need for physical convenience and comforts. The terminal building is characterized by short walking distances, minimal level changes and natural way-finding through refined execution of orientation and daylight principles. At the large scale, the architecture itself forms guiding elements – expressed prominently in the vertical structure connecting the MRT with arrival and departure levels, and the visual voids between departure and arrival levels. These important experiential moments and the building as a whole, is based on a rational and efficient grid system (9m base grid) that further differentiates the larger zones. Furthermore, prefabrication off site and assembly on site, efficient use of construction material and building load, all contribute to an effective implementation of the overall design strategy.
我們的願景是藉由擴充旅客在航廈環境中的各式體驗來開創新的場所。本提案對室內場 域營造的訴求實現在以舒適為宗旨的空間序列及方向指引,打造貼心、舒適流暢的航站環境,並送給往來的旅客行前最誠摯的祝福。自然尋路是一項重要的空間組織 規劃原則。不同微氣候分區的定義對應該區環境的日光,濕度,溫度和氣流量對應該區域活動的物理條件。細部空間機能是可彈性替換的,包括零售,娛樂,休閒, 餐飲和娛樂,並且適時導入植栽,多媒體,藝術與台灣文化元素來建構這些不同的使用分區。唯有對各個尺度需求的重視才能面面俱到。場域營造的策略實現了滿足 終端使用者、機場業務單位和業主的需求。由設計概念的初始我們追求融合旅客對空間與機能的體驗。藉由自然尋路的設計原則去發掘空間組織模式: 營造與其他機場獨特、不同的室內環境。我們藉由精細的案例分析進一步優化空間與機能組織模式,使其更有效率。經由這個過程,我們已體唸到第3航廈的設計不 僅僅只是一個建築,而是開發桃園機場成為樞紐的可能;透過同步整合內部各種細統,第3航廈會是未來整個桃園機場升級的催化劑。
Place making at interior scale
Our vision is to create an extended experience for the various users. The design speaks of 『place making’ through the creation of a sequence of spaces that privilege comfort, ease of use and orientation. The cumulative effect of this is a pleasant environment that communicates our best wishes to the visitors. Natural way finding is an overarching principle for the internal organization of the spaces, supported by traditional way finding at key-locations. The different micro climates are defined by physical conditions related to daylight, humidity, temperature and air flow corresponding to the predominant use of such zones. Localized uses are interchangeable and can include retail, recreation, relaxation, food & beverage, play and work; whereas the plants, media, art and Taiwanese culture constitute the integral components of these different zones. It is through this attentiveness across all scales that the project achieves a holistic design approach. The strategy of place making achieves the dual effect of appealing foremost to the end users – the people, and consequentially – to the various stakeholders in and around the airport business. Our team has deliberately chosen to take the 『unknown’ path. From the project inception, we have sought to conflate the spatial and functional experience of passengers. We have looked for an organizational model generated by principles of natural way-finding; creating an interior ecology that is entirely distinct from the look and feel of comparable airports. Through careful analysis of such precedents, our design approach has sought to build upon and improve the organizational models of airport efficiency. Through this process, we have come to understand that the design for Terminal 3 is not just a building, but a project latent with potential for considering the Taoyuan airport as a hub. This attitude encompasses a desire to see all systems well integrated and aligned with each other, which will in turn allow the design for T3 to be perceived with increased significance – as it will be understood as a catalyst for the transformation of Taoyuan airport.
Team Profile
九典聯合建築師事務所及室內設計公司於1999年成立,結合數位國內外學有專長的建築師、室內設計師、創意設計菁英及相關工程專家共同合作,以立足台灣本 土,放眼世界的目標,從事建築與環境的規劃設計專業服務。我們以永續經營的設計理念貫徹執行由規劃設計乃至使用監測的所有過程。專業訓練啟示我們,透過敬 業而慎密的規劃設計,人與環境是可以相容相生的,秉持對自然、健康及休閒的生活理念,期望創造一個天人合一的美麗鄉土。
Established by principals Chang and Kuo in 1999, Bio-architecture Formosana incorporates local and international architects, interior designers, design talents and engineers. As a Taiwan-based firm with global perspectives, we provide professional architecture and environmental design services. We implement sustainable design throughout our projects, from initial planning to operation. Our experiences and successful projects reassure the attainability of a sustainable lifestyle. Through our attentive design and planning, we hope to create a healthy environment which eliminates the boundary between human and nature.
UNStudio (Holland)
UNStudio是一家荷蘭建築設計工作室,由Ben van Berkel與Caroline Bos於1988年創辦,專業從事建築設計、城市規劃和基礎設施建造等多方面的設計業務。工作室的名稱UNStudio乃United Network Studio(聯合網絡工作室)之意,代表著工作室在進行業務運作過程中協作的屬性。UNStudio Asia於2009年成立,並於中國上海設立第一間辦公室,並於2014年設立香港辦公室。UNStudio Asia如同荷蘭UNStudio的一個孩子,緊密地聯係著UNStudio。UNStudio Asia現在已經擴展到成為一個全方位服務的設計工作室,並擁有一個國際性和全面的專業建築師團隊。在過去25年的經驗中,UNStudio跟國際諮詢公 司、合作夥伴、和世界各地的顧問擴展網絡式的持續合作,從而不斷擴充自己的實力。這些經驗形成一個有影響力的聯合網絡,加上我們位於阿姆斯特丹、上海市中 心和香港的辦公室,使我們在世界任何一個角落都能高效地創作出高質素獨特的設計。我們在亞洲、歐洲、北美洲已經擁有100多個不同的規模的和類型的建築項 目,而且我們工作室仍繼續擴張全球業務,近年在中國、韓國、台灣、意大利、德國以及美國各地都獲得到委任。
UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is a Dutch architectural design studio specializing in architecture, infrastructure and urban projects. The name, UNStudio, stands for United Network Studio, referring to the collaborative nature of the practice. Throughout 25 years of international project experience, UNStudio has continually expanded its capabilities through prolonged collaboration with an extended network of international consultants, partners, and advisors across the globe. This network, combined with our centrally located offices in Amsterdam, Shanghai and Hong Kong, it enables us to work efficiently anywhere in the world. With over ninety built projects in Asia, Europe, and North America, the studio continues to increase its global presence with recent commissions in among others China, South Korea, Singapore and Georgia. As a network practice, a highly flexible methodological approach has been developed which incorporates parametric designing and collaborations with leading specialists in other disciplines.
2014 臺灣,桃園國際機場第二航廈擴建工程計畫委託規劃設計暨監造技術服務競圖
2014 臺灣,高雄機場國內航廈新建登機廊廳結合國際航廈擴建計劃工程先期規劃構想
2013 臺灣,桃園國際機場第一、二航廈南北長廊外觀整修工程委託規劃設計案
2013 臺灣,臺中豐原郵局和酒店方案設計競圖
2013 臺灣,高雄國際航空站國際線航廈出境大廳擴建工程委託規劃設計案
2012 臺灣,中部國際機場既有航廈之先期規劃評估服務案
2011 中國,溫州永強國際機場擴建方案競圖
2011 臺灣,中部國際機場新建國際航廈建築設計案
2010 中國,哈爾濱太平國際機場擴建競賽方案
2010 中國,漳州佰翔圓山五星級酒店建築設計服務案
2010 中國,泉州晉江機場新建國際航廈擴建工程建築設計案
2009 中國,重慶江北國際機場東航站區及配套設施方案設計競圖
2008 中國,廈門高崎國際機場廉價航空航廈及業務樓規劃設計案
2005 中國,廣州新白雲國際機場三期工程 – 二號航廈方案規劃設計
2005 中國,深圳寶安國際機場3 號航廈建築方案設計深化案
2004 中國,廣州新白雲國際機場 3 號指廊擴建工程
2004 中國,上海浦東國際機場2 號航廈方案設計國際競圖
Project List:
2014 Taoyuan International Airport T2 Expansion Planning and Design Competition
2014 Kaohsiung International Airport Terminal Renovation & Expansion Planning
2013 Taoyuan International Airport T1 & T2 Connecting Concourse Façade Renovation Planning and Design
2013 Taichung Fengyuan Station Post Offi ce & Hotel Design Competition
2013 Kaohsiung International Airport Int’l Terminal Departure Hall Expansion Planning & Design
2012 Mid International Airport Existing Terminal Renovation Planning and Evaluation
2011 Wenzhou Yongqiang International Airport Expansion Concept Design Competition
2010 Mid International Airport International Terminal Architecture Design
2010 Harbin Taipin International Airport Expansion Concept Design Competition
2010 Zhangzhou Fliport Yuanshan Five-star Hotel Architecture Design
2010 Quanzhou Jinjiang Airport International Terminal Expansion, PRC
2009 Chongqing Jianbei Airport East Terminal Area Planning and Design Competition, PRC
2008 Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport Low Cost Terminal Design, PRC
2005 Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport Phase III – Teminal 2 Concept Design, PRC
2005 Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport Terminal 3 Concept Design Development
2004 Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport Phase II – Concourse 3 Architecture Design, PRC
2004 Shanghai Pudong International Airport T2 Concept Design Competition
Taiwan Engineering Consultants Group (hereunder briefed as this Company) was incorporated in 1990. Since incorporation, we have started participating in major public and private construction projects in rendering top-class professional technical services through our professional technical engineers specializing in the following realms, such as civil, structure, geo-tech, transportation, E&M, environmental, hydrological and landscape engineering as well as relevant building management.