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Richard Rogers 建築師事務所 –臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖提案


第 1 名:First Prize:
投標廠商:台灣世曦工程顧問股份有限公司 國籍:中華民國
共同投標廠商:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners 國籍:英國
Ove Arup and Partners Hong Kong Limited國籍:英國
宗邁建築師事務所 國籍:中華民國
Tenderer: CECI Engineering Consultants, Inc. Nationality: Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Joint Tenderer: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Nationality: Taiwan (United Kingdom)
Ove Arup and Partners Hong Kong Limited Nationality: United Kingdom
Fei & Cheng Associates Nationality: Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Design Concepts


1. This terminal will be the first of a new generation, a highlight in the journey for new and seasoned travelers alike.
2. It will offer arriving passengers an equality of spatial experience to those departing – a true gateway to Taiwan.
3. It will offer an efficient, beautiful, spatial experience for all passengers, which prioritizes their health and wellbeing.
4. It will be easily adaptable to meet constant change without compromising its spatial qualities. Its underlying concept is generated from this constraint.
5. It is designed from the outset to recognize collective and individual priorities, such as allowing CIP and VIP passengers to fast track from curb to gate without compromising other passenger flows.
6. Its rational plan arrangement is forecast to deliver minimum connection times of just 40 minutes, the best in the region, with simple way-finding and airside connectivity.
7. It will accommodate airside retail that is benchmarked against the best in the world.

本團隊的設計概念本質上是單純且簡潔的。我們提案的航廈包含了堅固的保護外殼,以及內部柔性可塑的流動天花板,以頌揚與因應其下方不斷變換的室內空間。此策 略能讓機場無時無刻因應空間內涵與其延伸範圍而調整,不管空間需求是巨大的、隱密的、有秩序的,亦或是動態的。確保機場總保持在最好與最合適的狀態,成為 臺灣甚至世界上最主要的交通門戶。

This strategy allows the airport, over time, to Our proposal is inherently simple in its concept. We propose a terminal that comprises a hard well defined outer shell, formed to protect, and within it a soft inner surface that is malleable and dynamic to celebrate and form the ever changing spaces below. adjust both the nature of spaces whether grand, intimate, uniform or dramatic and the extent of those spaces too. This flexibility ensures the airport is always at its best and suitably presented as the principal gateway to and from Taiwan to the rest of the world.


• 重視旅客經驗
• 獨特持久的概念
• 「堅固外殼,柔軟核心」
• 清晰、快速與簡便的使用性
• 改善整體機場環境並尊重舊建築的歷史價值
• 賦予多功能大樓一個屬於城市的地位
• 頌揚臺灣獨特的地景

First of the Next Generation of Airport Terminals

Our proposal for Taoyuan T3 will be the first of a new generation that will respond directly to the passenger, making the process of using an airport less forbidding. If selected, this unique proposal will become a benchmark for the future, admired and copied around the world.
• Passenger focused
• Unique durable idea
• 「Hard shell, soft core」
• Super clear, quick and easy to use
• Catalyst to improve the whole airport and respect its heritage
• A city address for the MFB
• Celebrates the

在外側花瓣構件全部延著屋頂外殼脊線配置。花瓣構件的設計是根據視覺與聽覺的感受。花瓣單元都是相同的,每個約一般人的高度並向上延伸,且均勻地懸吊在方格 框架上。每個花瓣外觀都是由亮面的管子與錐形組合而成,給予不同視角的深度同時反射上方天窗的自然光到建築內部。較低的面則用暖色系亮面處理並增加沖孔與 安裝內部吸音材,以控制空間的噪音量。每個從屋頂懸吊下來的花瓣皆用細鋼索相互連結避免地震時過度的擺動。

白天當日光充足時,太陽光能穿 透或由花瓣折射進入室內。這些花瓣也能透過上方人工照明的方式與自然光互補,滿足航廈全天的照明需求。每個花瓣皆安裝LED燈具,能夠藉由控制來突顯下方 溫暖的氛圍。這些燈光能夠依據不同功能由程式控制,形成大型像素影像,創造節慶不同顏色的氛圍,甚至與下方旅客流量做互動。

The petals following the line of the hard exterior shell. The petals are designed to respond to the senses, visually and aurally. They are all identical, they are each the height of a person with upstretched arm and arranged on a consistent grid. They each comprise a brightly finished tube and cone which give them depth when seen obliquely and to reflect light from the skylights above. The lower surface of each has a warm reflective finish and is perforated which, with acoustic absorption within, controls sound absorption in the spaces. Each petal is suspended and tied to its neighbours with theatre wire to prevent excessive movement in earthquakes.
During the daytime, when the natural light is sufficient, sunlight is encouraged to penetrate and be refracted by the petals. The petals can be artificially lit from above with daylight balanced circadian lighting.Each petal has a small LED fitting, which can be controlled to highlight its warm underside. We imagine these could be programmed for many functions from forming large pixelated images, to adding colour for festivals and even to respond to the flow of passengers moving through the spaces below.

Team Profile


台 灣世曦公司為本聯合承攬團隊的代錶廠商,及一間綜合性工程顧問公司,在交通、通訊、土木工程和其他相關領域皆佔有一席之地。台灣世曦在臺灣航空領域亦累積 了30餘年豐富經驗扮演卓越的角色,包括強化臺灣國內與國際航空之運輸設施,承攬主要機場之主要計畫,例如北臺灣的桃園國際機場擴建、中臺灣的臺中航空 站、南臺灣的高雄國際機場,以及位於離島包括金門、馬祖、澎湖等各處機場的設計和施工監造。


Experience and Capability of CECI Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taiwan (CECI)

CECI is the lead member of the Joint Venture association and is an independent consulting firm specializing in transportation, communications, civil engineering and other related disciplines. By far the most knowledgeable and capable engineering consulting firm from Taiwan, CECI has attained more than 30 years of comprehensive aviation experience centered upon its prominent role in strengthening Taiwan’s domestic and international air transport facilities and undertaking the design and construction supervision of major airport projects, such as the expansion of the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport in northern Taiwan, Taichung Airport in central Taiwan, the Kaohsiung International Airport in southern Taiwan as well as numerous airports situated around the island including the Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu off-shore island airports.


本團隊之羅傑斯史達克哈伯建築事務所將負責第三航站區的建築設計與發展; 以倫敦為據點成立超過38年,其廣泛的建築實績橫跨全球歐、美、亞、澳等地,享譽盛名及獲獎無數。事務所由建築界的巨擘及當代最具影響力的建築師 Richard Rogers創立及領銜,曾獲得建築界最高榮譽的普利茲克建築獎。

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP)

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) is a JV Partner of the association and shall be chiefly in charge of the architectural design and development of the Terminal 3 area works. An international architectural practice based in London, over the past 38 years RSHP has been attracting critical acclaim and awards for a wide variety of projects built across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia. The firm was founded by and is led by a true giant of architecture and one of the most influential architects in modern times, Lord Richard Rogers, who has been decorated with numerous accolades throughout his career including the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize – architecture’s highest honour.


本團隊中奧雅納工程顧問香港公司,為奧雅納全球之子公司,將負責本計畫第三航站區的建築結構及機能性概念設計;1946年建於倫敦的ARUP是間擁有多重專 業的公司,尤其在實現創意與永續的設計上,以及日益成長的代表性建築上,皆享譽全球。今天這家公司擁有橫跨42個國家超過11,000名員工,並在世界頂 尖設計公司排名上持續竄升。

Ove ARUP and Partners Hong Kong Limited

Ove ARUP and Partners Hong Kong Limited, one of ARUP’s global subsidiaries, is a JV Partner of the association and shall be chiefly in charge of the structural and building engineering design of the Terminal 3 area works. Founded in London in 1946, ARUP is a multidisciplinary firm with a renowned reputation for delivering innovative and sustainable designs and an ever-growing list of iconic structures. Today the firm has over 11,000 staff based across 42 countries and is consistently ranked and recognised as one of the top design firms in the world.


聯 合承攬團隊的宗邁建築師事務所主要負責建築項目的審查與簽證,同時執行本計畫之建築設計。事務所的兩位主持建築師費宗澄、陳邁和合夥人在美歐受教育與執業 後,1974年在台灣設立,致力於許多大型住宅與校園發展,包含方案設計、規劃、建築設計、監造與總顧問。成立至今於廣大領域完成建築與規劃服務並獲得至 高榮耀。

Fei & Cheng Associates (FCA)

Fei & Cheng Associates (FCA) is a JV Partner of the association and shall be chiefly in charge of inspection and certification of the architectural works and will also carry out architectural design for the project works. FCA was founded in Taiwan in 1974 after the firm’s principals and partners undertook graduate training and practice in the US and Europe, and since then have achieved a reputation for excellence in providing complete architectural and planning services in a wide range of areas. The firm has been involved in many large residential developments and university campuses that include programming, planning, architectural design, field supervision and project management.

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 01

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 02

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 03

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 04

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 05

Richard Rogers - 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖

Richard Rogers – 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖 06

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